The Sati Center for Buddhist Studies Eco-Chaplaincy defines an Eco-Chaplain as
“offering experience-based activities and contemplative practices that deepen individual’s relationships with the natural world, as well as provide spiritual care, helping others face contemporary environmental crises with wisdom and compassion.”
What is an Eco-Chaplain?
A Chaplain, traditionally, is not confined to any denomination. They serve the community as compassionate witnesses in times of grief or joy. They listen deeply and honor whatever is present for people as they navigate transitions in their lives.
“An Eco-Chaplain’s services extend beyond individuals and communities to include the natural world.” - Sarah Vekasi
These times we live in have so many stresses, distractions, anxieties and crises. Environmental issues intersect with social justice issues. Sensitivity to these intersections helps us embrace the bigger picture of interdependence.
An Eco-Chaplain can accompany you as you navigate these challenging places and the many emotions that arise.
Our sessions take place either remotely or in person. They engage with whatever is present, through deep listening, somatic activities, guided meditation, mindfulness, journaling or writing, and contemplative practices.
Whether we are celebrating something new in our lives or grieving a loss, recognizing and embodying these transitions honors our unique path and our place in an interconnected and marvelously diverse world.
With all of my offerings, I am learning and healing along with those I work with. The more-than-human world is constantly presenting new teachings and deeper awareness.
I am available to accompany you into the natural world where the deep healing and connections take place. I listen carefully, and with total presence to your experience moment to moment. I also listen to our natural surroundings, and the wisdom they have to share .
Eco-Chaplaincy Offerings
Individual Sessions - One-on-one over the phone, Zoom, or in person in an outdoor setting.
Groups & Families - Whether your family is gathering to celebrate something new, or a loss has taken place within the family. Honor significant family events with intention, witnessed by nature.
Blessings & Ceremonies - Create intentional ceremony to bless and honor the land you live on.
Collaborations - With organizations and individuals, to offer support after natural disasters.
Collaborations - With other Eco-Chaplains, to offer support through the Sati Center’s Buddhist Eco-Chaplaincy Support Network.
The Peace of Wild Things
When despair for the world grows in me and I wake in the night at the least sound in fear of what my life and my children’s lives might be, I go and lie down where the wood drake rests in his beauty on the water, and the great heron feeds. I come into the peace of wild things who do not tax their lives with forethought of grief. I come into the presence of still water. And I feel above me the day-blind stars waiting with their light. For a time I rest in the grace of the world, and am free. - Wendell Berry